
2023 Agenda: International Working Meetings and Conferences

Malang was the host location for the Letiges International Working Meeting. The activity occurred at My Dormy Hostel UMM from Thursday to Sunday (23-26/11/2023).

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Letiges Assoc. Prof. Dr. Afiful Ikhwan welcomed all participants. Twenty universities are joining LETIGES from all over Indonesia and several international countries. The number of participants in the Working Meeting was 20 core people if you add up the total number of international seminar participants to 200 people, including lecturers and students.

“On behalf of Letiges, I welcome all the Letiges Working Meeting participants at My Dormy Hostel UMM Malang, East Java, Indonesia. “Letiges embodies the commitment of academics in managing journals or scientific publications of international reputation. In 2024, several scientific journals in Letiges will follow the submission process for indexation with medium DOAJ and high reputation Scopus & WoS; through this meeting, we hope to facilitate our good intentions,” explained the man who usually called Prof. Afif.

Coordinator of Management Board Members Letiges Dr. Dian Iskandar Jaelani said, “Happy deliberations to all participants in the Working Meeting. I am confident that Letiges will be known to the world for its academic and professional reputation, as was the dream eleven years ago (2012) that led to the birth of Letiges,” said a Postgraduate Lecturer at the Universitas Islam Madura (UIM), East Java.

Cand (Dr). K.H. Imam Muhayat, MA, Letiges’ supervisor, said, “The first time this activity will be held in Malang, Indonesia, then next year’s plan (2024) will be in Lombok, then next year Kalimantan, Madura, Malaysia, Medina and Makkah (Haramain) Insya Allah, in the coming next year”.

This activity is divided into four series, namely the International Seminar on the development of AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology in the world of education, the Annual Working Meeting of the Letiges Core Team, the Acceleration of Professors, as well as the integration of cooperation (MoU) between various universities and national and international seminar organizers with Letiges. (AI)

Note: Photo documentation of activities can be downloaded or viewed here (with Gmail login, real name of Letiges member)

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